e-flora of Sabah and Sarawak Acer laurinum
Acer laurinum Hassk. (Latin, laurinum = resembling Laurus; the blue-grey colour of the leaves) Medium-sized to large tree up to 50 m tall; clear bole straight, cylindrical, up to 28 m tall and 70 cm diameter; buttresses about 1.5 m high and 2 m out, thin, spreading, slightly concave; crown dense, pale fresh green from below, more or less conical to hemispherical, deciduous to semi-evergreen. Bark initially smooth, greenish grey, becoming rich red to grey-brown and longitudinally fissured and flaky with age; inner bark c. 1.5 cm thick, firmly fibrous, yellow-brown to red-brown, somewhat mottled, sometimes laminated. Heartwood absent; sapwood white to pale yellow, with rather distinct concentric growth rings. Twigs slender, terete or ribbed, drying nearly black, with numerous leaf-scars and minute lenticels. Buds numerous, c. 4 mm long, covered by 4–11 pairs of decussate, caducous scales of c. 2 mm long. Leaves thinly leathery, glabrous, elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, 7–23 x 3–6 cm,